Like it or not, in the 21st century we are more conscious of our appearance than ever before. Making a good first impression is vital, whether you are going for a job interview or on a first date, and the thing which consistently tops the polls of the first thing people notice when meeting someone new is straight teeth. It’s therefore not surprising that people whose teeth are crooked, squint or twisted are looking into having them straightened in increasing numbers.
Benefits of Straight Teeth
The most important benefit of having straight teeth is the boost it gives you in terms of your confidence. Being able to smile at people and fully engage with them without feeling embarrassed or self-conscious can pay dividends both when climbing the career ladder and socially.
Aside from issues with confidence, there are other benefits to having your teeth straightened too. If your teeth are properly aligned, this balances out the stresses and pressures that are put on the teeth every time you chew or talk. . When it comes to cleaning, straight teeth are much easier to keep clean than those which are twisted or have awkward angles.
Investigating Teeth Straightening
Whether you live in Lanarkshire, Greater Glasgow or the wider area of Central Scotland, here at Sloan Dental we’re here to help. We take time to get to know you as an individual, and can talk through the options for you.
Every set of teeth is different, and once you’ve had your initial free consultation we can suggest the most appropriate option and give you an idea of timescales, costs and end result. We use some of the most innovative orthodontic methods on the market which work far quicker than old fashioned fixed braces, and you could have your new, straighter smile in just a few months.